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Allow user to configure whether or not to have the scroll bars for a card.#35

When i type in a note card, i (personally) want to see all the text, however the system will keep the card size fixed, and apply scroll-bars, if the text overflows.

This means that i need to resize the height of the card, every time i edit it (because want to see all the text).

I’d much prefer there be an user-option to switch to a mode that lets the cards grow/shrink as the content changes, rather than it use the scroll bars, an manually resizing all the time effects productivity.

ADVANCED: As a card grows or shrinks, i’d like the “top” position of all the cards below it to adjust themselves. In a real-world example (see the attached for reference): when i edit one of cards in the middle of the attached - say one of the ones with green text - if the card gets bigger because i have added more text, it will overlap the card(s) below it. I (currently) would then need to zoom out, select all the cards below it, and move the multi-selection down a little bit, to keep things pretty. The result is that i am spending time on card sizing and positioning (affecting my productivity) when the board could be doing the maths for me, and moving things around in the perfect way.

Likewise, when a new card is dragged onto the board, if i press a function key (shift, etc), if would be sexy if this also shifted the “top” position of all the cards below it, so i could insert a card (effectively) as a new row.

4 years ago

Sounds good! This was something that was in our pipe lines so we will get around to this soon. The “sexy” (haha) additional features also seem interesting but this may take a longer time!

4 years ago

Many windowing systems have the scrollbars inside the viewport of the window in quesiton.
But I think it would be great if the srollbars of active card were placed outside it, levaing more space for the content. Not very useful, really, but may make the writing of text more comfortable.

3 years ago

Hmmm scroll bars on the outside does sound interesting. I’ll take a stab at this!

3 years ago